Events: 1997-2000 | 2001-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010 | 2011-2014 | 2015-...
September-November 2010: Ninth Computer Drawing Competition "Biodiversity"
In the framwork of the International Year of Biodiversity EENet and Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology organised a computer drawing competition "Biodiversity".
Almost 4000 authors took part in the competition. The contest was held in four age-groups and on nine different subjects. Majority liked the topics of "Beast of Primordial Sea" and "Tree of Life". Included were 195 schools and 178 instructors.
The best artist in up to 10-year-olds was Mette Mari Kaljas with the picture "Disappearing habitats, disappearing species". Among the 11-13-year-olds Tuuli Jürgenson won the first prize with the picture "Children of Mother Earth". Between the 14-18-year olds Eliina Uibo was awarded with the picture "Children of Mother Earth". Among the grown-ups, Kärt Koosapoeg was the favourite of the jury with the picture "Disappearing habitats, disappearing species".
Spring-Autumn 2010: Live Broadcasts from the Nests of Wild Birds
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Winter 2009-2010: Popular web-cameras continued
This winter EENet brought to its viewers live broadcasts from the feeding grounds of eagles, wild boars in Tartu and West-Viru Counties and a birdhouse in Otepää. Also from the rookery of the grey seals and Käsmu seaside.
September-November 2009: Eighth Computer Drawing Competition "The Universe - yours to discover"
![]() Jelizaveta Sestakova (18 a), Narva Humanitaargümnaasium | In concord with the International Astronomy Year EENet and Tartu Observatory organised a computer drawing competition "The Universe - yours to discover".
4505 young artists sent 5225 computer drawings to the competition. The contest was held in four age-groups and on nine different astronomical subjects. The most popular theme was "Planets around a distant star".
Summer 2009: Käsmu webcamera
On June 3rd a new web camera was launched to broadcast from the traditional sea resort Käsmu, located on the northern coast of Estonia. The camera was installed under the initiative of Käsmu Sea Museum and Viru Folk Festival. The system was technically supported by Beta group and Live video stream was brought to viewers via EENet server.
Spring 2009: Grey seals, spotted eagles, sea-eagles, tawny owls and storks on webcam
- From March 7-th 2009, EENet broadcasts live videostream from the rookery of the grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). The grey seal camera is located in Vilsandi Nature Reserves, on the western coast of Saaremaa. In addition to seals also crows, ravens, sea gulls and even White Tailed Eagles can be seen, not to mention the sounds of the Baltic Sea.
- From March 26-th 2009, EENet resumed to broadcast the nest of black stork Tooni, known to avid fans from previous years.
- From April 13-th 2009, the broadcasts from the nest of spotted eagle began. The camera was also active in 2008, hopefully, this year there will be chicks in the nest.
- From November 15-th 2008, EENet participates in another wildlife-camera project. This time the web camera offers a sight to the feeding place of sea-eagles in the woods of Läänemaa. Eagles, of course, are not the only wild birds to visit the feeding place. Regular visitors to the site are ravens, crows and buzzards.
From 3 February til 10 March 2009 EENet broadcasted from the nest of tawny owl (strix aluco), the Bird of the Year 2009 in Estonia. The project was led by Estonian Ornithological Society.
Winter 2008-2009: Live broadcasts from the feeding places of sea-eagles, wild animals, also from the nest of tawny owl and a birdhouse in Otepää
- Birdhouse-camera behind the office windows of
- The immensely popular wild-boar camera was set up in the woods of Tartu County, where the boars, foxes, raccoon dogs and other beasts found their way as constant companions to the desktops of the nature enthusiasts also this winter.
The diaries of the camera streams(in Estonian) are kept by Looduskalender