International Cooperation

EENet of HTM is a full member of GÉANT Association.

GÉANT is Europe's leading collaboration on e-infrastructure and services for research and education. Together with Europe's national research networks, GÉANT connects 50 million users in over 10,000 institutions across 36 countries.
GÉANT Association was formed in 2014 when TERENA and DANTE joined forces and adopted the GÉANT name from the GÉANT Project, which continues to be a major area of the organisation’s work.

NORDUnet is a collaboration between the National Research and Education Networks of the Nordic countries: Denmark (DeIC), Iceland (RHnet), Norway (SIKT), Sweden (SUNET) and Finland (CSC/Funet). Together with NORDUNet, EENet provides GÉANT with Tallinn-Hamburg connection.

Funet (Finnish University and Research Network) is a high-speed data communications network serving the Finnish research community. It connects about 80 research organizations and about 370 000 users. Funet services are maintained by CSC, the Finnish information technology center for science. Together Funet and EENet provide Tallinn-Helsinki international connection.

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Eduroam stands for Education Roaming and is a federation of institutions offering Internet connectivity to users from all of the participating institutions through a system of RADIUS server hierarchy.
Originally a European project, eduroam has become a global infrastructure with members all over the world. EENet joined eduroam in 2005.
EENet eduroam web-page

Former cooperation projects:

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EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) is an organisation established under Dutch law. The objective of EGI is to create and maintain a pan-European Grid Infrastructure in collaboration with National Grid Iniatives (NGIs) in order to guarantee the long-term availability of a generic e-infrastructure for all European research communities and their international collaborators.
EENet was a member of EGI in 2010-2021.

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DC-NET (Digital Cultural heritage NETwork) was an ERA-NET (European Research Area Network) project, financed by the European Commission under the e-Infrastructure - Capacities Programme of the FP7. The main objective of the DC-NET project was to develop and to strengthen the co-ordination among the European countries of public research programmes in the sector of the digital cultural heritage. The project integrated the research capacities of the participant member states, will identify their communalities and valorised existing programmes and projects in order to initiate the deployment of a wide and comprehensive European e-Infrastructure that increases the research capacities of the digital cultural heritage community.

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The BalticGrid-II project was designed to increase the impact, adoption and reach, and to further improve the support of services and users of the recently created e-Infrastructure in the Baltic States. The project vision was to support and stimulate scientists and services used in the Baltic region to conveniently access critical networked resources both within Europe and beyond, and thereby enable the formation of effective research collaborations.


The goal of the BalticGrid project was to extend the European Grid by integrating new partners from the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) into the European Grid research community and to foster the development of Grid infrastructure in these countries.
In addition to developing specific products in terms of Grid infrastructure and applications, the BalticGrid consortium also focused on strengthening collaboration between the participating partners.

CEENet (Central and Eastern European Networking Association) was established in January 1994 in Warsaw, Poland. The association unites the academic networks of 24 countries with the aim of coordinating the international aspects of the activities of educational and research networks in Eastern and Central Europe.
EENet became a member of CEENet in October 1994.

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Porta Optica Study was an international project with the ultimate goal of stimulating and consolidating initiatives to ensure the successful deployment of a dark-fiber based network in Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and Southern Caucasus countries.
EENet Porta Optica Study web-page


The BALTNet project was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1993 with the aim of supporting the development of educational and research networks in the Baltic States. The main partners in Estonia were EENet and the Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
BALTNet purchased networking equipment for schools and research institutes, supported financially the international connectivity of EENet and organised a number of seminars.
In 1999 the main objective of the project was to support teacher training in information technology. New permanent Internet connections or faster connections were installed in nine institutions. The upgrade of EENet Jõhvi and Tallinn Data Communication Centres were also financed by BALTNet. The purchase of three central servers for the educational and research network in 2000 was also supported.
In 2000 the "Telematics 2000 - IT in Estonian Schools: Between Chaos and Order" conference was financed by BALTNet project.

Last updated on 04.10.2023