Projects and Events 2001-2006

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September-November 2006: Fifth Computer Drawing Competition

The theme of the 2006 competition was "Theatre, Music and Cinema" and it was organised in association with the National Opera "Estonia", the Theatre "Vanemuine", SA Kultuurileht, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Research.
A total of 5009 pictures were submitted to the competition. A travelling exhibition is showcasing the best drawings

July 2006: BalticGrid Summer School

The 1st BalticGrid Summer School was held in Tartu from 4 to 8 July. The school was organised by EENet in association with the University of Tartu and KBFI (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics). The participants- mostly students from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany- were introduced to the basics of grid computing. Several hands-on workshops allowed the students to test the grid themselves.

BalticGrid Summer School web-page
seminarist osavõtjad Lauri Anton

September-November 2005: Fourth Computer Drawing Competition

The theme of the 2005 competition was "The Security of Estonia`s Youth". It was organized by EENet in conjunction with the Public Health Department of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Southern Police Prefecture, the Youth Department of the Ministry of Education and Research and the European Youth Program Bureau in Estonia.
The number of entries to the competition has grown remarkably since it started four years ago. This year students from schools all over Estonia sent in more than 3000 computer drawings.

September 2005: GÉANT2 and TERENA Public Relations Meetings in Tartu

On 28 September an international meeting was organised In Tartu by DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) in cooperation with EENet. The meeting focused on the trans-European network project GÉANT2. On 29 and 30 September a two-day TERENA TF-PR workshop was also held in the city, being attended by PR-officers from more than 20 countries.

osavõtjad raekoja ees seminariruumis
Photos by Simon Watts

November 2004: Estonian Academic Network Seminar

On 5 November a seminar on the Estonian Academic Network was held. Presentations were made by Karel Vietch, Head of TERENA; Marco Bonac, the Director of ARNES; Petras Sulcas, the Head of the LITNET expert-group; Anne Villems and Andres Salu from the University of Tartu and Andrus Aaslaid, the IT-Advisor to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. The seminar was also attended by the members of the Board of EENet.


2004_nov_arenguseminar Tartus
Photo by Kalle Kulbok

September-November 2004: Third Computer Drawing Competition

On 6 September EENet launched the third Computer Drawing Competition, this time organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Environment and the Estonian Olympic Committee. The theme of this year`s contest was "Sports and Environment". 3372 were submitted.

August-October 2003: Second Computer Drawing Competition

In August 2003 EENet marked its 10th anniversary with the launch of its second computer drawing competition.

The competition was divided into four subgroups: children under 10; pupils between 11-14 years; students in the 15-19 age-group and adults (19 years +). EENet received 1900 entries in two months!

September 2002: NATO ANW - The Third CEENet Workshop on Network Management in Zagreb, Croatia

Workshop homepage (CARNet)

July 2002: NREN Creation Workshop in Prague, Warsaw and Tartu

The three-phased workshop took the form of several lectures, followed by on-site visits and panel discussions in three countries (the Czech Republic, Poland and Estonia), where successful NRENs have been operating several years. These three countries were selected to provide a variety of possible funding models: from quasi-commercial (NASK) and less-commercial competitors (POL34 - the Polish Scientific Broadband Network) to hybrid commercial-association models (CESNET in Czech Republic) and those fully government funded (EENet in Estonia).
EENet had the honour of hosting the Estonian phase of the workshop for decision makers in networking from countries in Central Asian and Caucasus.

Seminaril osalejaid Esineb HM IT-nõunik

May-June 2002: "Communication" exhibition in Tartu

The "Communication" exhibition was open to visitors from 13 May to 21 June 2002.

April 2002: 10th Anniversary of the Internet in Estonia

The first permanent Internet connection in Estonia was launched 10 years ago in Tallinn at the Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, closely followed by a second connection at the Estonian Biocentre in Tartu. Both connections were made to Stockholm via satellite.

The 10th anniversary was celebrated at the Ministry of Education on 26 April and during a public Internet Day on Town Hall Square in Tartu on 27 April.

Minister of Education Ms Rand Academician Lippmaa Jaak Anton

March-April 2002: The First Computer Drawing Competition

Estonian pupils spent a busy month drawing pictures on their computers and submitting them to the Competition, organised by EENet and dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Internet in the country. The international jury selected the best of the 1721 entries.

Prizes were awarded to the best pictures in each age group. The sponsors of the competition were the the BALTnet project of the Nordic Council of Ministries, the Ministry of Education, EENet, the Tiger Leap Foundation and a number of Estonian firms.

September 2001: NATO Advanced Networking Workshop in Kyrgyzstan

A policy workshop entitled "National Research and Education Networks: Development and Sustainability" was held at the Aurora hotel on Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan from 20 to 26 September.

The conference saw the launch of the SILK project, subsidised by the NATO Science Programme and designed to set up satellite links to Internet for National Research Networks in five Central Asian and three Caucasus countries.

Mihkel Kraav, the director of EENet, made a presentation on the funding of national research networking in Estonia. Anne Märdimäe was a member of the International Organizing Committee and was responsible for the logistics of the workshop (registration, transportation and reimbursement of travel costs).

Opening of the Workshop Ritual for Launching of SILK Project Opening goes on in a less formal atmosphere
Photos by Mihkel Kraav