of Management Board Member
of Estonian Information Technology Foundation
Tallinn 12 April 2013 no. 1-1/13-41
Ratification of Statutes of Estonian Education and Research Network
Since the Ministry of Education and Research has transferred the entire Estonian Education and
Research Network EENet to the Estonian Information Technology Foundation as of 12 April 2013,
I h e r e b y o r d e r
that the Statutes of the Estonian Education and Research Network, attached hereto as Annex 1 and
effective since 12 April 2013, be ratified.
Erki Urva,
Management Board Member
digitally signed
Cc: Employees of EENet
Annex: Statutes of Estonian Education and Research Network
Ratified on 12 April 2013
by Directive no. 1-1/13-41 of the
management board of the Estonian
Information Technology Foundation
Statutes of Estonian Education and Research Network
of Information Technology Foundation for Education*
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Section 1. Estonian Education and Research Network
(1) The Estonian Education and Research Network shall be a structural unit of the Information Technology Foundation for Education (hereinafter: ‘HITSA’), whose main goal shall be to ensure the development and stable functioning of the information technology infrastructure necessary for research, education and culture (hereinafter: ‘the target group’).
(2) The official translation of ‘Eesti Hariduse ja Teaduse Andmesidevõrk’ in English shall be ‘the Estonian Education and Research Network’.
(3) The official abbreviation of the Estonian Education and Research Network shall be EENet.
(4) EENet shall be located in Tartu.
Section 2. Representation
When performing its duties, EENet shall represent HITSA and the state to the extent of the powers granted by the state to HITSA.
Section 3. Reporting
EENet shall report to the management board of HITSA, which shall also guide its operations and perform supervision over it pursuant to the procedure set out in its Statutes and the law.
Section 4. Budget
EENet shall have its own structural unit budget, which shall be prepared by its director and approved by the management board of HITSA.
Chapter 2. Fields of Operation and Duties of EENet
Section 5. Fields of Operation of EENet
EENet shall operate in the field of the development and administration of the information technology infrastructure of the target group.
Section 6. Objectives of EENet
The objective of EENet shall be to ensure:
1) the functioning of a data network corresponding to the specific needs of the target group (hereinafter: ‘the academic data network’), and the development thereof in accordance with the general evolution of technology;
2) the provision of data communications and content services corresponding to the needs of the target group;
3) promotion of the use of information technology.
Section 7. Operations of EENet
In order to achieve its objectives, EENet shall:
1) develop the academic data network and have it connected to the Internet;
2) maintain and develop the data communications and content services (such as web hosting and e-mail services, e-learning environments, central databases, etc.) necessary for the target group;
3) to the extent of its powers, participate in the planning and carrying out of the national data communications policy;
4) manage and coordinate the data communications of the target group;
5) to the extent of its powers, represent the target group in the field of data communications on the national and international levels;
6) if necessary, acquire and administer shared software licences necessary for the customers;
7) participate in international projects and partnerships;
8) cooperate with local governments, and state, educational, research and cultural agencies in the field of data communications;
9) organise shared use of computing capacity;
10) provide and broker authentication and digital certification services;
11) develop monitoring, security and other support services in the field of data communications;
12) organise training events and conferences, provide consultations and perform expert analyses in the field of data communications, and publish literature pertaining to the Internet and information technology;
13) study the target group’s need for information technology services;
14) organise the consolidation of communications services between the backbone network and the location of the customer, and if the customers so wish, represent them before third parties in matters pertaining to its field of expertise.
Section 8. Customers of EENet
EENet shall provide services to persons, agencies, organisations and projects belonging to the target group, and to bodies dealing with their coordination or management (heretofore and hereinafter: ‘the customers’). The terms and conditions of and the procedure for qualifying as the customer of EENet shall be ratified by the management board of HITSA on the proposal of the director of EENet.
Chapter 3. Management and Structure of EENet
Part 1. Director of EENet
Section 9. Management of EENet
(1) EENet shall be managed by a director who shall represent EENet on the basis and to the extent of their powers, and who shall be subordinate to the management board of HITSA.
(2) The employment contract with the director shall be signed by the chairman of the management board of HITSA.
Section 10. Duties of Director
The director shall:
1) be responsible for legal and practical performance of the duties and obligations assigned to EENet;
2) determine the duties, obligations and responsibilities of the employees of EENet;
3) with the approval of the management board of HITSA, ratify documents pertaining to the organisation of work;
4) to the extent of their powers, issue directives for the purposes of managing and organising the operations of EENet;
5) organise the preparation of the draft budget of EENet and present this to the management board of HITSA for ratification;
6) use the financial resources of EENet according to the budget, and authorise the employees of EENet to do so, as and when necessary;
7) prepare regular operational and financial reports as per the procedure established by the management board of HITSA;
8) have the staff of EENet approved by the management board of HITSA, and make proposals for signing, amending and terminating employment contracts with the employees of EENet;
9) to the extent of their powers, sign, amend and terminate civil law contracts;
10) present the statutes of the departments of EENet to the management board of HITSA for their ratification;
11) present the list of services and the price list of EENet to the management board of HITSA for approval and ratification;
12) present the terms and conditions of and procedure for qualifying as the customer of EENet to the management board of HITSA for approval and ratification;
13) ratify the Network Acceptable Use Policy of EENet;
14) as and when necessary, form advisory councils, committees and working groups (hereinafter: ‘the committee’);
15) perform other duties arising from the Statutes of and the powers granted by HITSA, or those assigned by the chairman of the management board of HITSA within the fields of operation of EENet.
Section 11. Substitution of Director
In the absence of the director, an employee authorised by the director shall perform the duties of the director.
Part 2. Departments of EENet
Section 12. Departments of EENet
(1) The structural units of EENet shall be departments.
(2) Each department shall have statutes.
Section 13. Head of Department
A head of department shall:
1) be the direct manager of the operations of the department, ensure the performance of the duties of the department, and be responsible for lawful, accurate and timely performance thereof;
2) plan and organise the operations of the department;
3) report to the director of EENet about the operations of the department;
4) represent the department, and provide opinions and approvals on behalf of the department;
5) make proposals to the director of EENet for forming committees for the purposes of solving issues pertaining to the duties of the department;
6) organise the work of their subordinates, and request that they be provided with conditions suitable for their work;
7) supervise the performance of duties by the employees of the department, and consent to their participation in in-service training events; the director shall approve their participation in in-service training events;
8) make proposals to the director on the structure, staff and organisation of work of the department, on the salaries and allowances to be paid to or disciplinary punishments to be imposed on or incentives to be awarded to the employees;
9) use the budgeted resources of the department to the extent authorised by the director;
10) perform other duties assigned to them under the Statutes of the department or by the director.
Section 14. Duties of Departments
(1) The main duty of the Network Department shall be the guaranteeing of uninterrupted functioning, expansion, use and monitoring of the academic data network.
(2) The main duty of the Department of Services shall be the guaranteeing of the functioning and development of data communications and content services (including e-learning environments and materials, information systems administered by EENet, e-mail, registration of domain names, etc.), and the solution and prevention of security incidents.
(3) The main duty of the Department of Distributed Computing shall be the development of the computing capacities of the Estonian research computing infrastructure, and the necessary support services.
(4) The main duties of the Administrative Department shall be the servicing of customers, organisation of administrative matters, finding out of the needs of the target group and introduction of the operations of EENet.
* Until 30 April 2013 the Estonian Information Technology Foundation.