EENet in Ministry of Education and Research
As of 1 October 2021, all rights and obligations (including contracts) related to the activities of the Department of Technology Management of the Education and Youth Board (Haridus- ja Noorteamet, Harno) were transferred to the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia.
Contact data:
The Ministry of Education and Research
Munga St 18, Tartu 50088, Estonia
+372 735 0222, [email protected],
Estonian Education and Research Network EENet
of the Ministry of Education and Research:
+372 730 2110, [email protected]
The Estonian Education and Research Network EENet
is a structural unit of the Department of Technology Management of the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia.
EENet's main goal is to ensure the development and stable functioning of the information technology infrastructure necessary for research, education and culture in Estonia.